Commissioned AR Artworks

Are you searching for an artist to create a unique augmented reality artwork that meets your vision and is compatible with your space or project?
Select an artist from our community and bring your vision to life.

Are you searching for an artist to create a unique AR artwork?

Choose from our community of 250.000 creatives.

Commission an artist

Work with our artist community and get worldwide exposure with creating a successful AR exhibition.
Display the exhibition around the world, impress partners and customers.

Work with our artist community and get worldwide exposure with creating a successful AR exhibition.

Organize Your Open Call
Rent an exhibition

These Augmented Reality exhibitions have been designed by international curators for group shows or solo artists and are now available to rent for your office / shopping mall / event space.

These Augmented Reality exhibitions are now available to rent for your office / shopping mall / event space.

View All Exhibitions

Get The Artivive App

The intuitive app uses augmented reality to tap into new dimensions, allowing you to connect with art on a deeper level.